Women make up 51% of the population. And yet, men still vastly outnumber women in high-level management and executive positions. The Girl Scouts decided that it was time to change this. And what better time than their 100th anniversary? I helped create their first-ever cause marketing campaign—we called it TOGETHERTHERE. It imagines a world where women are represented equally as leaders of business, community and country. And it encourages us to do our part. The campaign was coupled with the largest ever fundraising effort ($1 billion by 2020!) for girls in history which also adopted the name of our campaign. The caused was launched with prominent, inspiring women such as House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and figure skater Michelle Kwan.
creative direction: Joe Tropiano, Andrew Dalsass copy direction: Chris Newkirk art direction: Vandna China Jain designer: Andrew Kassl